Thoughts at the End of the Year

As we prepare to watch the ball drop on Times Square signifying the end of another year we take time to reflect on the year ending and the new year beginning.  When I do this regarding the business I am in, thoughts turn to the families I serve. One family I served was arranging for the burial of their only child.  He was an adult that had not reached middle age.  The parents have remarked Continue reading

Mausoleum Can Be Affordable


Over the centuries that man has been around, there has always been mention of tombs instead of graves.  The pyramids and the Taj Mahal are two examples of mausoleums.  The Royal Mausoleum in London, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, George Washington’s burial place at Mount Vernon, are all examples of mausoleum.  All are beautiful buildings, and because of their majesty, they are considered to be affordable by the wealthy.  It is believed by many Continue reading