Cremation Urns

When a loved one is cremated their ashes are usually returned in a plastic bag with an identification medallion, and the bag is in a standard plastic box.  The cremains are accompanied by a certificate of cremation which varies by state in look and size.  Though this array is functional, it lacks the ceremonial value in that it is plain looking.  Most families prefer to have an urn with more ornamental value, especially one that Continue reading

The Insurance Assignment

When the death of a loved one occurs, some families are very surprised at the expense incurred for final disposition.  One element of the process that is particularly surprising is that the expenses need to be covered before burial can occur.  The monies, in case you didn’t know, need to be paid before the service can begin. As has been discussed in a previous post, one method of payment that families employ when there is Continue reading

Thoughts at the End of the Year

As we prepare to watch the ball drop on Times Square signifying the end of another year we take time to reflect on the year ending and the new year beginning.  When I do this regarding the business I am in, thoughts turn to the families I serve. One family I served was arranging for the burial of their only child.  He was an adult that had not reached middle age.  The parents have remarked Continue reading

The Cremation Process


Cremation today has become a popular option for final disposition.  Recent surveys indicate cremation preference to be 30% as opposed to 5% in 1975.  If you are considering cremation as your means of final disposition, there are a couple of videos I have found that are helpful to educate yourself about the process.  See them below: The Process Of Modern Day Cremation Video 1 of 2 The Process Of Modern Day Cremation Video 2 of Continue reading