The Funeral Rule

As a consumer, your rights through a variety of shopping processes is protected by the federal government.  The funeral shopping process is no exception.  After some research, Federal Trade Commission found that the consumer was in a very weak bargaining position, particularly if there had been a death.  All of the grief, anxiety and a lack of education were distinct barriers the consumer would have to overcome, many times failing to overcome, in the bargaining Continue reading

What is it Like to Work with Families?

Most people consider my occupation to be macabre; some even it think it gross.  They believe that I work with dead bodies and cannot fathom how I can possibly stand it.  Their feelings about my occupation are merely a reflection of their personal feelings.  They truly misunderstand what it is that I do. My job, though it entails planning for someone that is deceased, is not actually working with them, but actually with those who Continue reading

What is a Casket?

Choosing a casket is one of the major tasks of the funeral planning experience.  There are many choices not only of the outside but also of the inside.  Funeral directors offer these choices to make the casket more personal to the deceased.  Some families make a choice based on presentation:  they may feel that they must choose an expensive casket so as to “keep up appearances.”  Is that necessary? I have been asked is a Continue reading

The Insurance Assignment

When the death of a loved one occurs, some families are very surprised at the expense incurred for final disposition.  One element of the process that is particularly surprising is that the expenses need to be covered before burial can occur.  The monies, in case you didn’t know, need to be paid before the service can begin. As has been discussed in a previous post, one method of payment that families employ when there is Continue reading

Thoughts at the End of the Year

As we prepare to watch the ball drop on Times Square signifying the end of another year we take time to reflect on the year ending and the new year beginning.  When I do this regarding the business I am in, thoughts turn to the families I serve. One family I served was arranging for the burial of their only child.  He was an adult that had not reached middle age.  The parents have remarked Continue reading

A Remembrance Garden

Being able to get back outside is one of the great benefits of Spring.  Getting outside also means tasks to be accomplished outside, including mowing grass and tilling the garden.  It brings to mind that though I am far from capable of doing such a thing, I have always wanted to plan a special outside place that myself or someone else could visit and reflect on the life of my father. Planning the design would Continue reading

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many questions associated with funeral and burial that I am asked on a daily basis.  As food for thought I will answer ten of them here. 1. Is payment in full required for burial to occur? Yes.  One of the major reasons to make and pay for arrangements in advance is to prevent financial hardship at the time of death. 2. What are my choices in ground burial? There are single graves and Continue reading

Playgrounds for Their Elders?

A new concept that I have just heard about is playgrounds for the elderly.  I first read about the concept in Ronnie Bennet’s Blog As Time Goes By.  The concept hit me as a refreshing idea, as one of the concerns I have for the families I see is that they can remain active both physically and socially.  Let’s take the concept of playgrounds for our children and adapt it to one that can serve Continue reading

It’s All In the Perception

I recently read an article that opened my eyes to a couple of things about aging.  Some research by Home Instead Senior Care® has shown that perceptions by the young are not agreed to by the older.  For instance, 44% of those older than 66 years describe themselves as happy, while only 29% of those 18 to 30 do.   So indeed, it would seem that happiness is not actually for the young. As far Continue reading